New Domains

Protect your brand with new domain registrations

Protect your trademark by registering new domains to avoid fraudulent registrations by others.

Services for registered trademark holders

Protect your brand with the highest level of professionalism. We are certified TMCH agents.

Trademark Clearinghouse

This service is for holders of registered trademarks. Stay on top of all domains that correspond to your brand name. You'll be alerted when your name is used in a registration.

Domains Protected Marks List

This service prevents others from registering a domain that contains your brand name. Don't let your reputation fall into the hands of others: strategically defend your business before it's too late.


Certified Trademark Clearinghouse Agent

We've got the answers you need

  • What does TMCH mean?

    TMCH stands for Trademark Clearinghouse.
    It is the database authorized by ICANN which contains trademarks registered worldwide. Created during the marketing of new domains (new gTLDs), it is the most important brand protection service for new domains.

  • What does DPML mean?

    DPML stands for Domains Protected Marks List. You can access this service only if you have registered your Brand in TMCH database. This service allows you to stop the registration of your domain in the new extensions that are periodically released on the market.

  • I have a domain with a generic or geographical extension, can I use DPML and TMCH and services?

    No, these services are only for domains registered in new extensions (new gTLDs). For example, if you have a domain name with .com .net, .org etc., you can't buy TMCH nor DPML for that domain.

  • I don't have a registered trademark, can I use DPML and TMCH services?

    No. To use the DPML service, you must first be registered with your Brand in TMCH database, and enrolling your Brand in TMCH database requires that the Brand is registered.

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