Keyword Analysis

Analysis of sector keywords

We analyze the most searched keywords checking the availability of the corresponding domain names.

What's included in the Keyword Analysis service?

We conduct a complete analysis of the most searched terms for your sectors and we check the corresponding domain names still available for registration.

Market analysis

We analyze your target market in detail to identify the most relevant sectors to conduct keyword analysis.

Keyword analysis

We analyze the most online searched terms related to your Brand and your sector giving you details about the search volumes for each keyword.

Domain name verify

We check the availability of domain names corresponding to the most searched keywords helping you to choose the best domains to register.

Brand Protection

We check the online most typed keywords in relation to your Brand to show you new registration opportunities to protect your Brand online.

Strategic Advice

A dedicated advisor will be always at your disposal to give you strategic advice about the best domain names to register with a view to protection.

Dedicated Support

We offer full dedicated assistance, by phone and email, to quickly help you to solve any issues providing all the information you need.

Is your brand known abroad?

The Keyword Analysis service will check the most searched keywords in all countries where your Brand is known, indicating new registration opportunities in various languages.


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